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Quality primary resources that I make for myself and share with you.




Quality primary resources that I make for myself and share with you.
LKS2 Geography - Earthquakes and Volcanoes

LKS2 Geography - Earthquakes and Volcanoes

6 Resources
Explore the excitement of Earthquakes and Volcanoes with this set of lessons. Geography skills - map reading, Geographical vocabulary, comparing and assessing, and more - are introduced, built on and tested throughout this lesson block. IT is involved in each lesson and the children are encouraged to use this independently to aid their learning. This bundle features an Introductory / creating interest lesson and then a set of five lessons for the complete topic of Earthquakes and Volcanoes. This bundle contains lesson plans, power points, up to date links and resources to help each lesson to be taught to the highest level.
LKS2 Geography lesson - Earthquakes and Volcanoes: Lesson 1

LKS2 Geography lesson - Earthquakes and Volcanoes: Lesson 1

This lesson follows on from the Introductory lesson, which you can find in my shop. This lesson bundle includes the planning sheet, resources and a power point slide show. The lesson focus is the causes and outcomes of earthquakes. The lesson plan gives you instructions on resources that you will need, the success criteria, learning objective and key questions; as well as the lesson content. There is also space for a lesson assessment or next steps. The lesson is planned using the National Curriculum and includes the use of map reading skills, use of atlases and model making. If you do purchase this lesson and have any issues downloading anything, please get in touch with me at njprimaryresources@outlook.com and I will get back to you as soon as I can.